
East Lake Shores Water System Optimization and Upgrades

East Lake Shores Water System Optimization and Upgrades

WT Infrastructure was retained by the Condominium Board to evaluate the operation of the existing system and recommend a strategy to address seasonal loss of water supply in the system. We identified that bottlenecks in the treatment process combined with overpumping of the groundwater wells and a lack of post treatment storage resulted in loss of supply during peak periods. We completed a hydrogeological assessment of the existing wells including 24 hour pumping test to establish the sustainable yield of the aquifer and then designed a treatment system that would meet maximum day demand and added 75% more treated storage in order to deal with seasonal peaks and provide adequate response time between alarm and loss of water supply. This system was regulated by O.Reg. 319 and did not require an EER.


Prince Edward County, ON

Lead Engineer

Jamie Witherspoon

Capital Cost





Small Water Systems

New Well Level Monitoring
New - Well Level Monitoring
New UV Control Screen
New - UV Control Screen
New Triplex UV Unit Installation
New - Triplex UV Unit Installation
New Cartridge Filters And Chlorine Feed System
New - Cartridge Filters and Chlorine Feed System