
Caledonia WWTP Digester Troubleshooting

Caledonia WWTP Digester Troubleshooting

Our client reached out to us to evaluate an identified problem with the aerobic digesters that included excess foaming and odour. Our team completed a site visit and technical evaluation that identified issues with the flow and air distribution to the two digesters. Additionally, flow controls were limited to allow for flexibility of control during operation to balance the loading between digesters. The report recommended increasing aeration to the primary digester and installing flow monitoring and flow control systems to provide the operators with the tools to effectively operate and maintain the system.


Haldimand County, ON

Lead Engineer

Tiziana Venditto

Capital Cost





Problem Solving

Secondary Aerobic Digester Tanks
Secondary Aerobic Digester Tanks
Primary Aerobic Digester Tanks
Primary Aerobic Digester Tanks
Primary Aerobic Digester Foaming
Primary Aerobic Digester Foaming