
Caledonia Booster Station Pump Station Optimization

Caledonia Booster Station Pump Station Optimization

WT was retained by Haldimand County to troubleshoot their existing booster pumping system that was experiencing variations in pressure in the upper pressure zone where there was no existing floating storage. We completed an evalaution of the pumping system and VFD operation and determined that the existing system had gaps between pump curves that resulted in unbalanced pump operation. The preferred solution was to add a new pressure relief valve to avoid system overpressure when transitioning between small and large pumps. Additionally pressure sustaining valves were added at the pressure zone boundaries to maintain pressure in the upper zone. The system was commissioned with WT staff input to acheive project objectives. The implemented solution is intended as a short term solution until the pumps can be upgraded to their ultimate configuration to allow for improved transitioning between stages.


Haldimand County, ON

Lead Engineer

Jamie Witherspoon

Capital Cost





Municipal Water and Wastewater

Existing Pump Room
Existing Pump Room
After Installed Relief Recirculation System
After Installed Relief Recirculation System